Friday, April 30, 2010

randome pic: the chef thinks i'm super.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Fantastic Heather Baxter

I wanted to share this with all of you:
~MaxSterling Apr 11, 2010, 8:57:58 AM
I heard you were coming down to check out your sis' baby. I want our friendship to start clean. I know what you've heard and it's not true so please let all that behind you. I've change since then. I know I've said mean things to you and I'm very sorry. We were friends for a long time. I can never hate no matter how hard I try. I'm always going to be artie's friend so I'm always going to be somewhat part of you kid's. I'm currently fighting disparately to get my daughter back and I really want you to be apart of her life. Can we start over?

R.I.P. Darkiron 12/20/07
`Adsero 5 days 1 hour ago
No, just no, what part do any of you not understand? I -hate- california and -everyone- in it, including my family to some degree. That place is a rotten hell hole and you will all die in it and I will not be joining you guys in the festivities. My only reason to ever return there is drop the kids off and pick them up once a year. That's it. I have no other business with you or anyone else there, ever again.

Mood: Love ~MaxSterling 1 minute 3 seconds ago
I love you too heather Fusco...that is still your name isn't it? Does your kids know that you're on a 24/7 rag? I think you should get used to me since I've been here since the late 90's. I was trying to be nice but evidently you still wanna be a bitch to me for no fucking reason at all. you are right about one thing, this is hell, I should know since I'm the fucking devil around here. You're window is closed.
PS I thought about you the whole time my dick was in your sister's ass.

R.I.P. Darkiron 12/20/07

Apparently my friend's ex-wife believes in a rumor that I slept with her sister. NOT TRUE!!! We were friends for years and all of a sudden we're enemies. Pretty cool huh?

Monday, April 26, 2010

random pic: i look like stephen king

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random pic: my daughter and me. I miss her so much.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

random pic: ride the disco stick.

Friday, April 23, 2010

random pic: shh... Jesus is watching.

Monday, April 19, 2010

random pic: the king and I

Thursday, April 15, 2010

random pic: FUCK KINKOS! McMillan elementry school printer

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

AFlunky and Max $terling Throw a Party

In order to get a feel for a live audience, Our Heros throw a Birthday party and put their skills to work. Featuring Arthur Johnson.

Friday, April 9, 2010

random pic: when the going gets tough...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

random pic: ever had this happen to you? the HDMI imput sometimes gets alittle with the colors; it's a seldome event, but funny because it happens so unexpectedly.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Max $terling: College Graduate

Sounds pretty weird, doesn't it? I don't officially have the degree in yet, but I'm told that I'm a college graduate;
So why don't I feel better about myself?
It doesn't feel any better when you have your intern supervisor want to hire you for peanuts. I was told that I should not settle for anything less than 13 an hour and this supervisor, who literally give me all of his work and tell me constantly that I'm the shit all of a sudden tell me that I'm worth 9 dollars an hour? WTF!?!?!?!?
It's funny how cool you are to someone until you want him/her to pay you.
I'm off today to my alma mater to look for some work. I'll let you all know how that goes.